
Dr. A.K. Agarwal


Greetings from ISHWM
On behalf of the Governing Council ISHWM and its Chapters at Bangalore (Karnataka Chapter), KGMU Lucknow (UP Chapter), Gandhi Medical College and Hospital (Telangana Chapter Hyderabad) and life members of ISHWM, I heartily welcome all the participating delegates, students, resource persons, The Health Department Government of UP, The VC KGMU, Dr SD Gupta, the host organization KGMU, representatives of WHO and international organizations and all others to ISHWMCON 2024 at KGMU Lucknow.

The Organizing Committee at KGMU has been working tirelessly since we successfully concluded our last conference at AIIMS Jodhpur in November 2023. There is going to be rich fair of scientific presentations and deliberations from within and outside the country on different aspects of healthcare waste and related issues. I shall particularly mention that the two keynote addresses, two Technical Sessions by experts selected by WHO Country Office India, free papers and poster presentations are going to be special attractions. ISHWM has recently received two more requests for opening new Chapters. ISHWM proudly shares with you that during last two years it was assigned two studies by WHO SEARO on Immunization Waste Management-policy and practice aspects. The highlights of these studies will also be shared.

Another landmark development is that ISHWM is completing 25 years of its existence in the year 2025. One of the important activities will be the Silver Jubilee Conference of ISHWM at Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore in 2025. Dr Asima Banu, the Principal of this esteemed institution, has been specially invited to share her thoughts in this conference.

The Life Membership of ISHWM is open. Please contact the registration counter or the organizers to become life members of ISHWM.I seek your support in all future endeavors of ISHWM.

Happy Conference-ISHWMCON 2024. Jai Hind.

Thank You,